School sponsorship costs $35 monthly and this covers school fees, uniforms and two meals at school. You can choose to support a child or children monthly, quarterly, or yearly. The program keeps you informed about the well-being of your sponsored children could you consider sponsoring a child today below? Its children who are in the highest need.

Sponsorship changed Beatrice's life
Please meet Beatrice; she was living in the refugee settlement after losing her parents due to war in Congo. She had no hope. She was not attending school, had no food or clothing. In 2020, Beatrice was rescued through sponsorship. Today she is a different girl. She is healthy, attends school and enjoys playing with other children. Beatrice dreams of becoming a doctor in the future. This rescue couldn't have happened without generosity and the love of a sponsor. Thank you for responding when and where the need is greatest.
Sponsor a Child Today
Sponsor a child for $35 monthly, $105 quarterly, or $420 yearly.
Frequently Asked Questions for Prospective Sponsors
1. What specific benefits will the child I sponsor receive?
Your donation will help meet the physical, educational, social, and spiritual needs of your sponsored child. Sponsorship covers school fees, uniform two meals at school, medical care and support from our staff. Every child in our program is assigned two sponsors to meet all of their needs.
2. Does my donation go directly to the child I sponsor?
Yes your donation will go directly to the child you have chosen and any gift sent to him/her will go to directly to that child and you will receive the pictures and update about your child.
3. How can I communicate with my sponsored child?
Specifics for letter writing can be found at For existing sponsors. Your sponsored child will respond to the letters you send, and we will send you a new photo of your sponsored child every year. We encourage you to write letters to your sponsored child. you may include photos and a single sheet of stickers.
4. May I send gifts to my sponsored child?
You may send photos and a single sheet of stickers with your letters to our Canada office. We will also identify special Christmas and back to school backpack gift. You may also give and item to be bought in Uganda.
5. How long should my sponsorship last?
You may sponsor your sponsored child through high school, the University/Vocational Program, or vocational school, depending on the child. Our desire is to see children grown and actively contributing to their community. (For some, this might be 18 years old, others older.) If we determine the child you sponsor no longer needs support, or if they move out of Uganda, we will send you a profile of a new child for you to consider sponsoring within 30 days; your sponsorship will automatically transfer to this child unless we hear from you.