Age: 43
“Greetings, I’m Neena Wabenga, a 43-year-old widow who fled the conflict in Congo with my five children. I have lived in Chaka camp for about ten years now, I need help to educate for me my children and with your support in capital, I want to open a shop for selling clothes and shoes, I believe I can provide not food for my children just, but also employment opportunities. Thank you for considering my vision.”
For those who are in need of the training, you can support them monthly or quarterly for the period of 6 month.
The cost to run entire both programs is $2500. This covers 4 teachers' salary, a security guard, materials needed for 6 months for both programs, and an experienced skilled business person who offers guidance and mentorship to the mothers while in the program on how to run their own business. This mentor supports them another 6 month after their graduation to make sure they are making good decisions in their business or new job. This program has changed the lives of many widows and young girls making them independent and able to provide for their children.
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Price Options
Neena Wabenga
Monthly Sponsorship
C$35.00every month for 6 months
Neena Wabenga
Quarterly Sponsorship
C$105.00every 3 months for 6 months
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